I believe we are in a time in Church history unlike any other before. The stage is being set for Kingdom carriers to go beyond merely being stirred at the last meeting, to being released to carry the glory of the Lord over the whole earth. One of the strongest and possibly most unique expressions of Five-fold in these last days will look like apostolic-prophetic synergy such as never seen before in our generation. As prophetic people receive revelation and inspiration from the General (Our Lord), apostolic people can help to bring it to strategic execution. Now that sounds like great battle plan.
In fact, without apostolic execution, the prophets continue to prophesy, the intercessors continue to pray, but God’s dream for the earth ends up frozen in time. The Church continues to wait, and wait… becoming deeper entrenched in a religious belief system that we should wait for God to come down and do something He has already told us to do. No, we will not minimize the wonder of glory placed inside of us, but also fulfill the desire of God that WE would execute His vision, and be “as god to Pharoah” (Exodus 7:1). So we as true prophets, must consider our mandate to be more than “hearing and speaking”, but to also see with apostolic lenses.
Derek is a trusted apostolic/prophetic leader, requested speaker, pastor, author and “transformation specialist.” He is the President and Founder of the History Makers Society, through which he has helped thousands to discover their God-given purpose - many becoming catalysts of transformation in their communities and nations.
As an advisor to leaders of various capacities, Derek is impacting people, and society on several continents. Even through his brief teachings and seminars on a diverse range of topics, you are guaranteed to walk away with the keys necessary for effective leadership.
“I am impressed by Derek Schneider’s combination of breadth, wisdom, and steps for practical implementation to make it happen in our generation.”
C. Peter Wagner,
Vice President, Global Spheres Inc.
© 2024 Derek Schneider