Did you know that there are gifted people sitting in our congregations every Sunday, and that their calling is for more than just coming and listening to you preach?
I know you’re a great preacher and they need to hear you, but they also need to be awakened in their own gifting, their own calling and purpose. Did you know that you can actually pastor your cities through your church members if you equip them and send them?
If you as their pastor, can see them as more than just “members” coming to listen to you - but rather… as heaven’s resource - and that the world needs them, you might begin to treat them differently. You will end up caring more about discipleship, equipping, and you’ll find ways to get them out of the building and into strategic action in their own pulpits “out there.”
Derek is a trusted apostolic/prophetic leader, requested speaker, pastor, author and “transformation specialist.” He is the President and Founder of the History Makers Society, through which he has helped thousands to discover their God-given purpose - many becoming catalysts of transformation in their communities and nations.
As an advisor to leaders of various capacities, Derek is impacting people, and society on several continents. Even through his brief teachings and seminars on a diverse range of topics, you are guaranteed to walk away with the keys necessary for effective leadership.
“I am impressed by Derek Schneider’s combination of breadth, wisdom, and steps for practical implementation to make it happen in our generation.”
C. Peter Wagner,
Vice President, Global Spheres Inc.
© 2025 Derek Schneider